This week's project was thrown together pretty haphazardly
and the inspiration for the project came in several different chunks.
Part 1:
Ever since I got married,
I've been obsessed with our wedding date.
I love thinking of it as when our little family was "established'.
It makes us sound so fancy.
I've been trying to incorporate it into as many things as possible,
without being weird.
(As if being obsessed with a wedding date doesn't make me weird enough.)
Part 2:
I love garden flags.
And have several really cute themed ones.
However, I don't have a generic, every day garden flag that I love.
Part 3:
At the beginning of the year,
one of my Spanish speaking parents gave me a bag of fabric and buttons.
Because of the language barrier,
I wasn't really sure why?
After it sat in my classroom for several months,
I decided to bring it home to see if I had a need for it there.
One of the fabrics was burlap.
Part 4:
This pin.
Even though burlap is a really awkward fabric to work with,
it sheds and has holes in it,
this project was really quite simple.
Obviously the pin is garden flag for sale.
But I didn't have $18.95 sitting around to spent on a garden flag.
So I got creative.
The Process:
1. I used one of my old garden flags to measure out my fabric.
2. I used hot glue to create the fold at the top
where the stake will go.
Warning: The holes mentioned before don't really bode well with hot glue.
Watch those fingers.
3. I spruced in up a little.
I folded and glued brown ribbon along the outer edges to make them more sleek.
I also glued a little knot thing up in the corner for more flare.
Then I used regular acrylic paint to personalize it.
Again, watch out for those holes.
Robbie was convinced that as soon as it rained,
it would be ruined.
But it's been out for a few weeks and, as usual,
we've had some pretty bipolar weather in Eastern NC.
So far, it's survived everything from an ice storm, 50 mph wind gusts, 75 degree weather, and rain.
Weird "est." obsession. Check.
Every day garden flag. Check.
Inexpensive and quick. Check.
That folks is what we call a win, win, win situation.
Now go link up and check out everyone else's Pinteresting ideas!