Tuesday, January 22, 2013

If I Were a Boy (Part 2)

So, awhile back, I wrote this post for Erin's link up.
But I when I realized my other favorite blogging Erin
and her friend Gay
were doing the same kind of thing
(plus the fact that I didn't have anything else planned for today)
I knew I had to participate.
With a few little revisions.


If I were a boy...

I would pee anywhere and everywhere, because I could.

I would always wear baseball hats.

I would drink dark beer, and like it.

I would demand to have my own man cave.

I would take out the trash and do all the yard work.

I wouldn't chew tobacco.

I wouldn't be such a scaredy cat about things.

I would be able to fix anything.

I would never shop at PacSun or HotTopic.

I would leave "I love you...just because" notes and presents often.

Even though I would have really sloppy, chicken scratch handwriting.

 I would play high school football.

I would drive a big SUV or pick-up truck.

I wouldn't talk bad about "chicks" and all the stupid things they do.
(Even though I'd probably think they do lots of stupid things.)

I would be sure to ask her dad before I proposed.

I'd have a dog and love her unconditionally.

I would act really annoyed when my girl asks me for help,
but secretly I would love it.

I wouldn't complain about the ten million questions she asks me each day.

I would be a mama's boy...but not too much.





  1. Haha I linked my old one up to it too! Didn't even bother with revisions so many more props to you. Love boy link ups.

  2. I would SO drive a big truck too -like a MAN truck. And Id rock a man cave - like with the works, all the fixings. As a girl I wish to have a girly room for myself - blogging, make up, manics and pedis, oh and my own hot tub lol but if I were a boy id have a full bar, entertainment system, pool table, air hockey, and prob still a hottub aha. Actually I wouldn't mind having all that stuff now.

  3. I'd totally ask the girls parents too, but on mine I said I'd be soooo nervous!!!
    Love your blog! Glad I found you!!!

    Drop by sometime if you get a chance.


  4. hahaha pacsun and hot topic. that is awesome. love this list! and high school football. I love that one!
