Monday, November 12, 2012

You Fancy, Huh?

I love days off.
Seriously, they are the best.
The only complaint I have is there's just not enough of them.

I had about 120984879 productive things I could have done today.
But, as usual, my arm was twisted by these cute little love bugs.

And you're looking at what we actually ended up doing all day.
I caught up on all my favorite morning talk shows
and got some serious snuggle time from these two.

Buuuuuuut, other than all of that
I did play around with le blog a little bit.
And folks, she's been given (a teeny tiny) face lift.

One day, I'm sure I'll fork over the extra bucks 
to have a real blog expert give me a fancy pants design.
But until then, I'm all about the DIY.

Thanks to Katie over at Lady Million
and lots of googling,
I was able to kind of, sort of 
figure out some different things I wanted to try.

What do you think?

I'm kind of, sort of in love.
(For the next five minutes at least.)

I hope you've all had a great Monday
hopefully not working too hard,
if at all!



  1. Loving the face lift! I wish I was better at doing it myself...I finally gave in and paid the big bucks for one!

  2. Loving the new header pictures! And I love snuggling ever more :)
