Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday Indeed

Before I start this post I have to let you know...not only have I joined the blogging world this week, I am now blogging from my iPhone! Yes, you heard it right. This blog is coming straight to you from my mobile device (after my husband quizzically asked "blogging, isn't there an app for that?" and indeed there is! Who knew?)

As for today's post, it's going to be rather short and possibly a bit sentimental. Good Friday is always one of those holidays that evokes a wise range of emotions for me, especially when it's later in the year and closer to my birthday like this year! :)

There's excitement. Good Friday is the start of Easter weekend which means time off from work and school. It also means the countdown to summer can officially begin. From this point on the weather will continue warming up, the days will continue getting longer, and before we know it the easy living of summertime will be among us!

There's content. Time off from work and school for most means time with family and friends. If your family is anything like mine (incredibly loud and extremely close) Good Friday is the start of a long weekend spent together with great food, good laughs, and nice relaxing naps.

But perhaps the biggest emotion I associate with Good Friday is thankfulness, and even that doesn't begin to cover it. I'm thankful for the time off and the excitement associated with this holiday. But even more thankful for the sacrifice we remember on this holiday. It is always around this time that I really stop and think about what Good Friday truly means. Such a huge sacrifice was made for me....before "me" was even around. The love that our Savior showed for all of us during this time is humbling and overwhelming.

It's easy to get wrapped up in the bunnies and eggs and gorgeous pastel colors. But above all we need to remember the true meaning for this holiday and try to love each other, this weekend and every day, like we were loved all those years ago.

I hope everyone has a great Easter weekend! I'll probably be back later on to share some of our family's Easter fun!



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