Thursday, March 7, 2013

It's Okay

It's okay...that this is my second blog post today.
MIA no more.

It's okay...that I am beyond ready for Spring time.
I just want my grass to be green.

It's okay...that Willow has the stankiest breath in the world.

She's still da cutest dog eva doe.

It's okay...that I like Tierrable. 
That girl says she was there for Sean, but I disagree. 
She was there for attention and to maximize her 15 minutes of fame
which by golly, she did.

It's okay...that I turn the TV on one channel and leave it there for hours
no matter what's on, just for background noise.

It's okay....that as soon as that background noise turns to Judge Judy,
I have to change the channel. 

It's okay...that I'm obsessed with painted wine bottles.
We won't talk about how many empty ones I have sitting around.

It's okay...that instead of folding laundry
I pinned pictures of painted porches.

One more reason Spring needs to hurry on up.

It's okay....that I am a control freak.
to the point that I have created a highly detailed list 
for my new assistant.

It'x okay...that lately I've had a really hard time with prayer.
Like turning off my mind and really just talking to God.

It's okay...that Amanda at A Royal Daughter doesn't even know
how much her Prayer Dare is helping fix the above.

It's okay...that today's not Friday, 
because it's close enough.

Its Ok Thursdays



  1. painted wine bottles sound beautiful. do you make these?!? should i be pinterest-ing this?? haha! and Willow is a total cutie!

  2. I do the same thing with tv! Except for I have to change it as soon as any soap opera comes on. That of Dr. Phil. I don't think I know a creepier man...

  3. I am hoarding wine bottles now to turn into etched tumblers. So obsessed. Probably a good thing we aren't pooling our resources, people might start to wonder about the 2 of us.

    It's almost Friday! Thank goodness for small miracles =)
