I don't know if it's a teacher thing,
but I always have a hard time remembering years run January to December.
In my mind, the year runs August to July
and my fresh start usually happens accordingly.
However, because there's not an official holiday in August
celebrating the new year,
I can get on board with the rest of the eastern population
and realize that the year is in fact ending.
They say the years fly by ten times faster the older you get
and they aren't joking.
I can't believe 2012 is almost over
and 2013 is right around the corner.
Whew. Talk about an eventful year.
This time last year, this little bloggy blog didn't even exist.
Crazy...I know.
So for your reading pleasure:
2012: My Year in Review
Robbie and I rang in last New Year in a pretty low key way.
My most favorite couple got married on December 30th
so the 31st was kind of a recovery day for us all.
My most favorite couple got married on December 30th
so the 31st was kind of a recovery day for us all.
We went to New York City,
only my second most favorite city in the world.
Sadly, I didn't meet a Kardashian sister. But don't worry, there's always next year.
My girl turned one and we celebrated in a big way.
With presents, pupcakes, and all.
I bought a car!
Just like my old one...but way nicer.
It was the most exciting, stressful experience of my life.
The last time I got a "new" car was when I turned 16.
And I was sad to see that 1998 Honda Accord go.
Fortunately the 2009 Honda Accord has been a trusty replacement.
My blog was born and I turned 23.
It seems fitting that we would share the same birthmonth.
P.S. The birth of this blog just made this whole recap ish muchhhhh easier.
People actually started reading my blog and
my "smartie pants" Third Graders survived the EOGs.
We bought a house!!!
The second most exciting, stressful experience of my life.
And then remodeled the entire thing.
Leading into the third most exciting, stressful experience of my life.
My baby brother graduated from high school.
We went to the Dominican Republic with my family.
Robbie and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary.
*That tongue in the top right corner is Roxy eating our one year-old wedding cake.
We had to share with our girls....obvi.
I started my second year of teaching, making a big move to First Grade
after spending two weeks wishing I was an Olympic athlete.
My rockstar best friend had a baby.
I went to my very first Catholic wedding,
posted my very first vlog,
and hung out with the cutest little piggies on the block.
Oh and some mean, scary, big, bad wolf.
The blog got a teeny facelift,
while I realized all the teeny things I'm thankful for.
We had a family Thanksgiving that even Honey Boo Boo would be proud of,
leaf jumpin and gun shootin included.
This month I spent a lot of time reflecting on the things that matter the most in life
and learning to enjoy the simple things, even when our hearts are sad.
We celebrated Christmas with family and friends.
And I tried to spend the rest of the year in leggings.
So far, that last one is well on its way to coming true.
It's definitely been a crazy year
and I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store.
I'm not usually one for resolutions.
But I am still working on this list
and have a few projects around the house up my sleeve
(hellooooo new kitchen cabinets)
so we'll just stick with that for now.
I hope y'all have a great NYE!
See ya next year lovies!
Robbie and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary.
*That tongue in the top right corner is Roxy eating our one year-old wedding cake.
We had to share with our girls....obvi.
I started my second year of teaching, making a big move to First Grade
after spending two weeks wishing I was an Olympic athlete.
My rockstar best friend had a baby.
Football season entered our home in full force,
I found my first grey hair,
and Mema's political opinion made its debut on the blog
(or "the google" as she likes to call it.)
I went to my very first Catholic wedding,
posted my very first vlog,
and hung out with the cutest little piggies on the block.
Oh and some mean, scary, big, bad wolf.
The blog got a teeny facelift,
while I realized all the teeny things I'm thankful for.
We had a family Thanksgiving that even Honey Boo Boo would be proud of,
leaf jumpin and gun shootin included.
This month I spent a lot of time reflecting on the things that matter the most in life
and learning to enjoy the simple things, even when our hearts are sad.
We celebrated Christmas with family and friends.
So far, that last one is well on its way to coming true.
It's definitely been a crazy year
and I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store.
I'm not usually one for resolutions.

But I am still working on this list
and have a few projects around the house up my sleeve
(hellooooo new kitchen cabinets)
so we'll just stick with that for now.
I hope y'all have a great NYE!
See ya next year lovies!