Thursday, May 17, 2012

17/30: I Wish...

17/30: What is the thing you most wish you were great at?

This is hard. I'm pretty much great at everything already ;) ha....just kidding. 

But this is hard, I'm not sure I can pick just one thing I wish I were great as. I'm sure I've mentioned before my ever ending need to be perfect (it's sometimes a problem) and the fact that I am my toughest critique. 

So instead of one big thing that I wish was great are several little things that I wish I better at. 

1. Organization
2. Cooking
3. Putting together cute and original outfits
4. Saving money
5. Trying new things
6. Singing
7. Classroom management
8. Planning creative activities/things for my students
9. Not stressing out
10. Driving

Okay...enough of that. The big news is:

Testing is OVER!!! (well kind of) We still have a few re-tests to take in a few weeks but for the most part we are done. an attempt to go ahead and accomplish number 8 on the list above: 

I gave my kids sweet treats each morning before their tests this week. You saw my "smartie pants" treats for Tuesday. 

Wednesday my kids got "starBURSTS of energy" for their tests (I forgot to take a picture before my children devoured them).

And today we celebrated being almost "o-FISH-ally done with our tests" with these cute goldfish snacks.

You can snag your own cards by clicking here.

Enjoy the rest of your evening! And TGIF tomorrow!



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